![]() | I talked several times about partitioning usability. In my many tests of partitioning I found myself in need of generating list of partitions for a given range. I made the Partition Helper (see code at the end of this post) to scratch this particular itch, i.e. making partitions reasonably quickly and without thinking too much. |
The detailed reference manual lists all the options and many examples.
Here, I would like to show just an example.
Say, you want to create partitions in table blog_posts by monthly intervals on column published. Given that you have data for the last two years, you use the partition helper like this:
./partitions_helper --table=blog_posts \
--column=published \
--interval=month \
--start=2007-01-01 \
ALTER TABLE blog_posts
PARTITION by range (to_date(published))
partition p001 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-01-01'))
, partition p002 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-02-01'))
, partition p003 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-03-01'))
, partition p004 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-04-01'))
, partition p005 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-05-01'))
, partition p006 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-06-01'))
, partition p007 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-07-01'))
, partition p008 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-08-01'))
, partition p009 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-09-01'))
, partition p010 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-10-01'))
, partition p011 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-11-01'))
, partition p012 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2007-12-01'))
, partition p013 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-01-01'))
, partition p014 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-02-01'))
, partition p015 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-03-01'))
, partition p016 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-04-01'))
, partition p017 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-05-01'))
, partition p018 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-06-01'))
, partition p019 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-07-01'))
, partition p020 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-08-01'))
, partition p021 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-09-01'))
, partition p022 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-10-01'))
, partition p023 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-11-01'))
, partition p024 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2008-12-01'))
, partition p025 VALUES LESS THAN (to_days('2009-01-01'))
The above command can be also expressed as./partitions_helper --table=blog_posts --column=published --interval=month \
--start=2007-01-01 --partitions=25
Or you can shorten it, if you remember the small options:./partitions_helper -t blog_posts -c published -i month -s 2007-01-01 -p 25
More options are available. You can see them using./partitions_helper --help
Enjoy!Update Here's the code to the Partition helper, published here after MySQL Forge was taken down.
#!/usr/bin/perl # The MySQL Partitions helper # Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Giuseppe Maxia # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # This program creates a ALTER TABLE statement to add or reorganize # date based partitions for MySQL 5.1 or later # use strict; use warnings; # use diagnostics; use English qw( ‐no_match_vars ) ; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case ); use Data::Dumper; my $VERSION = '1.0.4'; # # Parse options are fully qualified options with descriptive help, # parse string for the command line, and sort order for the help # my %parse_options = ( table => { value => '', parse => 't|table=s', help => [ 'The table being partitioned', '(no default)' ], so => 20, }, column => { value => '', parse => 'c|column=s', help => [ 'The partitioning column', '(no default)', ], so => 30, }, interval => { value => 'month', parse => 'i|interval=s', help => [ 'The interval between partitions', 'Accepted: "year", "month", "week", "day", or a number', '(default: month) ', ], so => 40, }, partitions => { value => 0, parse => 'p|partitions=i', help => [ 'How many partitions to create', '(default: 0) ', ], so => 50, }, first_partition => { value => 1, parse => 'first_partition=i', help => [ 'the first partition to create', '(default: 1) ', ], so => 60, }, reorganize => { value => '', parse => 'reorganize=s', help => [ 'the partition(s) to reorganize', '(default: none) ' ], so => 70, }, start => { value => '2001-01-01', parse => 's|start=s', help => [ 'the minimum partitioning value', '(default: 1 for numbers, 2001-01-01 for dates) ' ], so => 80, }, end => { value => '', parse => 'e|end=s', help => [ 'The maximum partitioning value', 'Used unless --partitions is used', '(no default) ', ], so => 90, }, function => { value => '', parse => 'f|function=s', help => [ 'The partitioning function to use in the "range" declaration', '(default: to_days, unless --list is used) ', ], so => 100, }, list => { value => 0, parse => 'l|list', help => [ 'Use the COLUMNS feature (versions >= 5.5)', '(default: no) ', ], so => 110, }, maxvalue => { value => 0, parse => 'x|maxvalue', help => [ 'Adds MAXVALUE as last partition', '(default: disabled) ', ], so => 115, }, prefix => { value => 'p', parse => 'prefix=s', help => [ 'prefix for partition name', '(default: p) ', ], so => 120, }, explain => { value => 0, parse => 'explain', help => [ 'show the current option values', '(default: no) ', ], so => 130, }, version => { value => 0, parse => 'version', help => [ 'display the version', '(default: none) ', ], so => 400, }, help => { value => 0, parse => 'h|help', help => [ 'display the help page', '(default: no) ', ], so => 500, }, ); # # convert parse options to simple options # my %options = map { $_ , $parse_options{$_}{'value'}} keys %parse_options; # # get the options from the command line # GetOptions ( map { $parse_options{$_}{parse}, \$options{$_} } grep { $parse_options{$_}{parse}} keys %parse_options ) or get_help(); get_help() if $options{help}; if ($options{version}) { print credits(); exit 0; } # print Dumper(\%options) ; exit; my %valid_intervals = ( day => 1, week => 1, month => 1, year => 1, ); # # start and end dates # my ($syear, $smonth, $sday) = (); my ($eyear, $emonth, $eday) = (); # # deals with placeholder features # for my $op ( qw(operation) ) { if ($options{$op}) { die "option <$op> is not implemented yet\n"; } } # # check that a table and column are given # unless ($options{table}) { die "table name required\n"; } unless ($options{column} or $options{reorganize} ) { die "column name required\n"; } # # accept only one of --end or --partitions # if ($options{end} && $options{partitions}) { die "too many quantifiers. Use EITHER '--partitions' OR '--end' \n"; } # # check that we parsed a valid interval # if ( $options{interval} =~ /^\d+$/) { unless ($options{start} =~ /^\d+$/) { $options{start} = 1; } if ($options{end}) { unless ($options{end} =~ /^\d+$/) { die "the end value must be a number\n"; } if ($options{end} < $options{interval}) { die "the end value must be bigger than the interval\n"; } if ($options{end} <= $options{start}) { die "the end value must be bigger than the start\n"; } $options{partitions} = int( ($options{end} +1 - $options{start}) / $options{interval}); } } else { unless (exists $valid_intervals{ $options{interval} } ) { die "invalid interval specified: $options{interval}\n"; } # # for year, month, or week the function must be to_days # unless ($options{list}) { $options{function} = 'to_days' unless $options{function}; } # # check the start date # if ( $options{start} =~ /(\d{4})[\-\.\/](\d+)[\-\.\/](\d+)/) { ($syear, $smonth, $sday) = ($1, $2, $3); $smonth +=0; $sday +=0; #print "start $syear $smonth $sday\n"; } else { die "invalid date $options{start}\n"; } # # check the end date # if ($options{end}) { if ( $options{end} =~ /(\d{4})[\-\.\/](\d+)[\-\.\/](\d+)/) { ($eyear, $emonth, $eday) = ($1, $2, $3); $emonth +=0; $eday +=0; # print "end $eyear $emonth $eday\n"; } else { die "invalid date $options{end}\n"; } if ($options{interval} eq 'year') { $options{partitions} = $eyear - $syear +1; } elsif ($options{interval} eq 'month') { my $months = (12 - $smonth) + ( ($eyear - $syear -1) * 12 ) + $emonth + 1; # print $months,$/; $options{partitions} = $months; } elsif ($options{interval} eq 'week') { $options{partitions} = weeks_between($syear, $smonth, $sday, $eyear, $emonth, $eday); } elsif ($options{interval} eq 'day') { $options{partitions} = days_between($syear, $smonth, $sday, $eyear, $emonth, $eday); } } } # # there must be a valid number of partitions # unless ($options{partitions} && ($options{partitions} =~ /^\d+$/) ) { die "number of partitions required. Use EITHER '--partitions' OR '--end'\n"; } if ($options{partitions} > 1024) { die "too many partitions ($options{partitions}). Maximum allowed is 1024\n"; } else { print "# partitions: $options{partitions}\n"; } # # don't accept a function if COLUMS is being used # if ( $options{function} && $options{list} ) { die "you must specify either list or function\n"; } if ($options{explain}) { show_options(); } # print Dumper(\%options) ; exit; # ----------------------------------------- # start building the ALTER TABLE statement # ----------------------------------------- print "ALTER TABLE $options{table} \n"; if ($options{reorganize} ) { print "REORGANIZE PARTITIONS $options{reorganize} INTO \n"; $options{prefix} = 'pr'; } else { print "PARTITION by range " ; if ($options{function}) { print "($options{function}("; } elsif ($options{list}) { print "columns(" } else { print "(" } print "$options{column}"; if ($options{function}) { print ")"; } print ")\n"; } print "(\n"; make_partitions( $options{interval}); print ");\n"; # ----------------------------------------- # functions # ----------------------------------------- sub make_partitions { my ($interval) = @_; my $partitions_done=0; my $p_year = $syear; my $p_month = $smonth; my $p_day = $sday; my $func_start = 'to_days('; #$options{function}; my $func_end = ")"; if ($options{list}) { $func_start = ""; $func_end = ""; } for my $part ($options{first_partition} .. $options{first_partition} + $options{partitions} -1 ) { if ($partitions_done) { print ", "; } else { print " " } $partitions_done++; if ($interval =~ /^\d+$/) { printf "partition %s%03d VALUES LESS THAN (%d)\n", $options{prefix}, $partitions_done, ($options{start} + (($partitions_done - 1) * $interval)) + $interval; } else { printf "partition %s%03d VALUES LESS THAN (%s'%4d-%02d-%02d'%s)\n", $options{prefix}, $partitions_done, $func_start, $p_year, $p_month, $p_day, $func_end; if ($interval eq 'day') { ($p_year,$p_month,$p_day) = next_day($p_year, $p_month, $p_day); } elsif ($interval eq 'week') { ($p_year,$p_month,$p_day) = next_week($p_year, $p_month, $p_day); } elsif ($interval eq 'month') { ($p_year,$p_month) = next_month($p_year, $p_month); } elsif ($interval eq 'year') { ($p_year,$p_month) = next_year($p_year, $p_month); } else { die "unsupported interval\n"; } } } if ($options{'maxvalue'}) { printf ", partition %s%03d VALUES LESS THAN (MAXVALUE)\n", $options{prefix}, ++$partitions_done; } } sub next_year { my ($y, $m) = @_; $y++; return ($y, $m); } sub next_week { my ($y, $m, $d) = @_; for my $i (1 .. 7) { ($y, $m, $d) = next_day($y, $m, $d); } return ($y, $m, $d); } sub next_day { my ($y, $m, $d) = @_; $d++; $m += 0; my $last_day = days_in_month($y, $m); if ($d > $last_day) { $d = 1; $m++; } if ($m > 12) { $m = 1; $y++; } return ($y, $m, $d); } sub is_leap_year { my ($y) = @_; if (($y % 400) == 0) { return 1; } elsif (($y % 100) == 0) { return 0; } elsif (($y % 4) == 0) { return 1 } return 0 } sub days_in_month { my ($y, $m) = @_; $m = $m +0; my %last_day = ( 1 => 31, 2 => 28, 3 => 31, 4 => 30, 5 => 31, 6 => 30, 7 => 31, 8 => 31, 9 => 30, 10=> 31, 11=> 30, 12=> 31, ); if (($m ==2) and (is_leap_year($y))) { $last_day{2} = 29; } return $last_day{$m}; } sub days_to_year_end { my ($y, $m, $d) = @_; my $days = days_in_month($y,$m) - $d +1 ; for my $month ( $m +1 .. 12 ) { $days += days_in_month($y, $month); } return $days; } sub months_between { my ($syear, $smonth, $eyear, $emonth) = @_; my $months = (12 - $smonth) + ( ($eyear - $syear -1) * 12 ) + $emonth + 1; return $months; } sub days_between { my ($syear, $smonth, $sday, $eyear, $emonth, $eday) = @_; # print "start $syear, $smonth, $sday\n end $eyear, $emonth, $eday\n"; my $days =0; if ( sprintf ("%4d%2d%2d", $eyear, $emonth, $eday) lt sprintf("%4d%2d%2d", $syear, $smonth, $sday) ) { die "start interval > end interval\n"; } while ( ($syear < $eyear) or ( ($syear == $eyear) and ($smonth < $emonth) ) or ( ($syear == $eyear) and ($smonth == $emonth) and ($sday < $eday) ) ) { if ($syear < $eyear) { $days += days_to_year_end($syear, $smonth, $sday); $syear++; $smonth=1; $sday=1; } elsif ($smonth < $emonth) { $days += days_in_month($syear, $smonth) - $sday; ($syear, $smonth) = next_month($syear, $smonth); $sday =1; } elsif ($sday < $eday) { $days += $eday - $sday +1; $sday = $eday; } } return $days; } sub weeks_between { my ($syear, $smonth, $sday, $eyear, $emonth, $eday) = @_; my $days = days_between ($syear, $smonth, $sday, $eyear, $emonth, $eday); # print $days, "\n"; exit; return int ($days / 7) +1; } sub next_month { my ($y, $m) = @_; if ($m == 12) { $m = 1; $y++; } else { $m++; } return ($y, $m); } sub get_help { my ($msg) = @_; if ($msg) { warn "[***] $msg\n\n"; } my $HELP_MSG = q{}; for my $op ( sort { $parse_options{$a}{so} <=> $parse_options{$b}{so} } grep { $parse_options{$_}{parse}} keys %parse_options ) { my $param = $parse_options{$op}{parse}; my $param_str = q{ }; my ($short, $long ) = $param =~ / (?: (\w) \| )? (\S+) /x; if ($short) { $param_str .= q{-} . $short . q{ }; } $long =~ s/ = s \@? / = name/x; $long =~ s/ = i / = number/x; $param_str .= q{--} . $long; $param_str .= (q{ } x (40 - length($param_str)) ); my $text_items = $parse_options{$op}{help}; for my $titem (@{$text_items}) { $HELP_MSG .= $param_str . $titem . "\n"; $param_str = q{ } x 40; } if (@{$text_items} > 1) { $HELP_MSG .= "\n"; } # $HELP_MSG .= "\n"; } print credits(), "syntax: $PROGRAM_NAME [options] \n", $HELP_MSG; exit( $msg ? 1 : 0 ); } sub credits { my $CREDITS = qq( The Partition Helper, version $VERSION\n) . qq( This program creates a ALTER TABLE statement to add or reorganize\n ) . qq( partitions for MySQL 5.1 or later\n) . qq( (C) 2008-2010 Giuseppe Maxia\n); return $CREDITS; } sub show_options { printf "# %-20s %-20s %s\n", 'options', 'default', 'value'; printf "# %-20s %-20s %s\n", '-' x 20, '-' x 20, '-' x 20; for my $op ( sort { $parse_options{$a}{so} <=> $parse_options{$b}{so} } keys %parse_options) { my $v = $options{$op}; my $d = $parse_options{$op}{value}; printf "# %-20s %-20s %s\n", $op, '(' . (defined $d ? $d : '') . ')', defined $v ? $v : '' ; } print '# ', '-' x 62, "\n"; }
Nice article
web design company
forge.mysql.com is down! Please update the links?
I have created a github gist from your script. Easily linkable now.
The partition helper code was already available as a GIST at https://gist.github.com/datacharmer/5944653
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