Friday, March 29, 2019

dbdeployer cookbook - usability by example

When I designed dbdeployer, I wanted to eliminate most of the issues that the old MySQL-Sandbox had:

  • dependencies during installation
  • mistaken tarballs
  • clarity of syntax
  • features (un)awareness.

Dependencies during installation did go away right from the start, as the dbdeployer executable is ready to be used without additional components. The only dependency is to have a host that can run MySQL. There is little dbdeployer can do about detecting whether or not your system can run MySQL. It depends on which version and flavor of MySQL you are running. It should not be a big deal as I assume that anyone in need of dbdeployer has already the necessary knowledge about MySQL prerequisites. This is not always the case, but the issue goes beyond dbdeployer’s scope.

Mistaken tarballs are a common problem for users who have never seen a binaries tarball. Here dbdeployer can help, up to a point, to guide the user. It recognizes most cases where you are trying to use a source tarball or the wrong operating system tarball. It still does not recognize when you try to run a sandbox for a Linux 64bits out of a 32bit tarball, but to be honest I haven’t tried to solve this problem yet. There are still cases where users are a great risk of picking the wrong tarball (Percona Server download page is a minefield and the one for MariaDB is not picnic either) but I feel that I have given dbdeployer users a big help on this count.

Clarity of syntax is probably the biggest issue with the previous tool. It’s a consequence of the tool being developed over several years, slowly adapting to changing circumstances. I made dbdeployer clearer from the beginning, when I decided to avoid piling up many actions as the consequence of the same command. In dbdeployer, you need to unpack the tarball explicitly before running a deployment, and this gives dbdeployer users the visibility on the architecture that eluded many MySQL-Sandbox users. The architecture of dbdeployer is such that adding new features, commands, and options is easy and fits within an easily detectable paradigm. Thus, the operations are easier to spot and use.

Features awareness is still a problem. There is a lengthy description of everything dbdeployer can do, but, as often happens with even the best tools, users don’t read manuals.

The biggest obstacle about reading manuals is that dbdeployer executable is installed without any need to take the README file along. If you need it, you should go online and read it, and given that dbdeployer is built to be used mostly without internet connection, there are cases when you want to know how to do something, but you can’t get the manual right away.

There is the tool integrated help (dbdeployer [command] -h), which gives you a lot of information, but this tells you how to do something that you know already exists, not what you can do in general.

To help on this count, I added a collection of samples (the cookbook) that were initially released in a directory of the GitHub project, but then the sample scripts suffered of the same invisibility that plagues the README file. There is one more problem: when you tried using the generic cookbook scripts (now removed) you had to use the same environment as I did when defining them, or they would fail.

The current solution is to include cookbook files right within the tool, using templates (same as for regular sandbox scripts) with the double advantage that the scripts are available anywhere the dbdeployer executable is, and the scripts are adapted to the environment, since dbdeployer knows how to search for available binaries and can suggest the best parameters for the scripts.

Introducing dbdeployer cookbook

The command dbdeployer cookbook (with aliases recipes or samples) has three subcommands:

  • list displays a list of available samples.
  • show displays the contents of a recipe.
  • create (with alias make) will build the recipe script.

We should try the list first:

$ dbdeployer cookbook list
|              recipe              |             script name             |                            description                             | needed |
|                                  |                                     |                                                                    | flavor |
| all-masters                      |           | Creation of an all-masters replication sandbox                     | mysql  |
| delete                           |                 | Delete all deployed sandboxes                                      |        |
| fan-in                           |                | Creation of a fan-in (many masters, one slave) replication sandbox | mysql  |
| group-multi                      |   | Creation of a multi-primary group replication sandbox              | mysql  |
| group-single                     |  | Creation of a single-primary group replication sandbox             | mysql  |
| master-slave                     |          | Creation of a master/slave replication sandbox                     |        |
| ndb                              |                   | Shows deployment with ndb                                          | ndb    |
| prerequisites                    |                    | Shows dbdeployer prerequisites and how to make them                |        |
| pxc                              |                   | Shows deployment with pxc                                          | pxc    |
| remote                           |                           | Shows how to get a remote MySQL tarball                            |        |
| replication-restart              |          | Show how to restart sandboxes with custom options                  |        |
| replication-operations           |                  | Show how to run operations in a replication sandbox                |        |
| replication_between_groups       |       | Shows how to run replication between two group replications        | mysql  |
| replication_between_master_slave | | Shows how to run replication between two master/slave replications |        |
| replication_between_ndb          |          | Shows how to run replication between two NDB clusters              | ndb    |
| show                             |                   | Show deployed sandboxes                                            |        |
| single                           |                | Creation of a single sandbox                                       |        |
| single-reinstall                 |                 | Re-installs a single sandbox                                       |        |
| tidb                             |                  | Shows deployment and some operations with TiDB                     | tidb   |
| upgrade                          |                          | Shows a complete upgrade example from 5.5 to 8.0                   | mysql  |

The recipe that seems to be the simplest one is single. We can try to see what is in there:

$ dbdeployer  cookbook show single

# Generated by dbdeployer 1.26.0 using template single on Fri Mar 29 12:27:53 UTC 2019
cd $(dirname $0)

[ -z "$version" ] && version=NOTFOUND_mysql
check_version $version

if [ -n "$(dbdeployer sandboxes | grep 'single\s*'$version)" ]
    echo "single version $version is already installed"
    header "Deploying a single sandbox for version $version"
    run dbdeployer deploy single $version

What looks odd is the line that says NOTFOUND. If we try creating that script and then running it, it won’t work, and rightfully so.

There is a recipe named prerequisites that could probably help us.

$ dbdeployer cookbook create prerequisites
recipes/ created

So, now, we have a starting point. Let’s run it:

$ ./recipes/

# ****************************************************************************
# Creating Sandbox binary directory ($HOME/opt/mysql)
# ****************************************************************************

## HOW TO GET  binaries for dbdeployer
# run the commands:

1. dbdeployer remote list
2. dbdeployer remote get mysql-5.7.25
3. dbdeployer unpack mysql-5.7.25.tar.xz

4. dbdeployer versions

# FOR MySQL forks, MySQL Cluster, PXC:

# 1. Get the binaries from the maker download pages
# 2. run the command
 dbdeployer unpack FlavorName-X.X.XX-OS.tar.gz  --prefix=FlavorName
3. dbdeployer versions

The first thing we see is that the sandbox binary directory was created, and then we see a series of steps to fill it in.

Let’s try:

$ dbdeployer remote list
Files available in
5.5 -> [mysql-5.5.61 mysql-5.5.62]
5.6 -> [mysql-5.6.41 mysql-5.6.43]
5.7 -> [mysql-5.7.24 mysql-5.7.25]
8.0 -> [mysql-8.0.13 mysql-8.0.15]
4.1 -> [mysql-4.1.22]
5.0 -> [mysql-5.0.15 mysql-5.0.96]
5.1 -> [mysql-5.1.72]

$ dbdeployer remote get mysql-5.7.25
File /home/msandbox/mysql-5.7.25.tar.xz downloaded

$ dbdeployer unpack mysql-5.7.25.tar.xz
Unpacking tarball mysql-5.7.25.tar.xz to $HOME/opt/mysql/5.7.25
Renaming directory $HOME/opt/mysql/mysql-5.7.25 to $HOME/opt/mysql/5.7.25

$ dbdeployer versions
Basedir: /home/msandbox/opt/mysql

If we repeat the show command now, we get a different result:

$ dbdeployer  cookbook show single
# Generated by dbdeployer 1.26.0 using template single on Fri Mar 29 12:37:26 UTC 2019
cd $(dirname $0)

[ -z "$version" ] && version=5.7.25
check_version $version

if [ -n "$(dbdeployer sandboxes | grep 'single\s*'$version)" ]
    echo "single version $version is already installed"
    header "Deploying a single sandbox for version $version"
    run dbdeployer deploy single $version

There! instead of the NOTFOUND we saw before, it now shows the version that we just downloaded. If we repeat the same procedure (remote list, remote get, unpack) for MySQL 8.0.15, we would see 8.0.15 as the recommended version.

Now we can create the single recipe. Or even better, since we want to try several ones, we can create all of them.

$ dbdeployer  cookbook create all
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created
recipes/ created

Now it’s time to try one:

msandbox@505969e46289:~$ ./recipes/

# ****************************************************************************
# Deploying a single sandbox for version 5.7.25
# ****************************************************************************
+ dbdeployer deploy single 5.7.25
Creating directory /home/msandbox/sandboxes
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'
. sandbox server started

Looking at the list, we see a single-reinstall recipe. If we run it, we will get a mini tutorial on how to use a single sandbox:

$ ./recipes/

# ****************************************************************************
# Deploying a single sandbox for version 5.7.25
# ****************************************************************************
+ dbdeployer deploy single 5.7.25
Creating directory $HOME/sandboxes
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'
. sandbox server started
msandbox@505969e46289:~$ ./recipes/
+ dbdeployer sandboxes --full-info
|    name    |  type  | version |  ports  | flavor | nodes | locked |
| msb_5_7_25 | single | 5.7.25  | [5725 ] | mysql  |     0 |        |
msandbox@505969e46289:~$ ./recipes/

# ****************************************************************************
# Deploying the same sandbox again, with different parameters
# We need to use --force, as we are overwriting an existing sandbox
# Incidentally, the new deployment will run a query before and after the grants
# ****************************************************************************
+ dbdeployer deploy single 5.7.25 '--pre-grants-sql=select host, user from mysql.user' '--post-grants-sql=select host, user from mysql.user' --force
Overwriting directory $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25
stop $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'
. sandbox server started
| host      | user          |
| localhost | mysql.session |
| localhost | mysql.sys     |
| localhost | root          |
| host      | user          |
| 127.%     | msandbox      |
| 127.%     | msandbox_ro   |
| 127.%     | msandbox_rw   |
| 127.%     | rsandbox      |
| localhost | msandbox      |
| localhost | msandbox_ro   |
| localhost | msandbox_rw   |
| localhost | mysql.session |
| localhost | mysql.sys     |
| localhost | root          |

# ****************************************************************************
# Deploying the same sandbox with a different directory.
# No --force is necessary, as dbdeployer will choose a different port
# ****************************************************************************
+ dbdeployer deploy single 5.7.25 --sandbox-directory=msb_5_7_25_new
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25_new
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'
. sandbox server started

+ dbdeployer sandboxes --header
            name               type    version    ports
---------------------------- -------- --------- ---------
 msb_5_7_25               :   single   5.7.25    [5725 ]
 msb_5_7_25_new           :   single   5.7.25    [5726 ]

# ****************************************************************************
# Removing the second sandbox
# ****************************************************************************
+ dbdeployer delete msb_5_7_25_new
List of deployed sandboxes:
Running $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25_new/stop
stop $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25_new
Running rm -rf $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25_new
Directory $HOME/sandboxes/msb_5_7_25_new deleted

This script teaches us the basics of starting and restarting a sandbox, with useful twists as running an SQL command before granting privileges.

There is a similar tutorial for replication operations, but we’ll have a look at a slightly different one.

$ ./recipes/
+ dbdeployer deploy replication 5.7.25 --concurrent
initializing slave 1
initializing slave 2
Replication directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'

$ ./recipes/

# ****************************************************************************
# Running a simple command with the master in the sandbox.
# Notice the usage of the '-e', as if we were using the 'mysql' client
# ****************************************************************************
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/m -e 'SHOW MASTER STATUS'
| File             | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |
| mysql-bin.000001 |     4089 |              |                  |                   |

# ****************************************************************************
# Creating a table in the master
# ****************************************************************************
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/m -e 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t1'
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/m -e 'CREATE TABLE test.t1(id int not null primary key)'

# ****************************************************************************
# Inserting 3 lines into the new table
# ****************************************************************************
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/m -e 'INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES(1)'
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/m -e 'INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES(2)'
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/m -e 'INSERT INTO test.t1 VALUES(3)'

# ****************************************************************************
# Getting the table contents from one slave
# ****************************************************************************
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/s1 -e 'SELECT * FROM test.t1'
| id |
|  1 |
|  2 |
|  3 |

# ****************************************************************************
# Getting the table count from all nodes (NOTE: no '-e' is needed)
# $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/use_all 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM test.t1'
# master
# server: 1
# server: 2

# ****************************************************************************
# Checking the status of all slaves
# ****************************************************************************
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/check_slaves
port 19226 - server_id 100
             File: mysql-bin.000001
         Position: 5213
port 19227 - server_id 200
              Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 5213
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 5213
                Auto_Position: 0
port 19228 - server_id 300
              Master_Log_File: mysql-bin.000001
          Read_Master_Log_Pos: 5213
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
          Exec_Master_Log_Pos: 5213
                Auto_Position: 0

# ****************************************************************************
# Running a multiple query in all slaves
# ****************************************************************************
+ $HOME/sandboxes/rsandbox_5_7_25/use_all_slaves 'STOP SLAVE; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_workers=3; START SLAVE;show processlist '
# server: 1
Id User Host db Command Time State Info
11 msandbox localhost NULL Query 0 starting show processlist
12 system user  NULL Connect 0 Checking master version NULL
13 system user  NULL Connect 0 System lock NULL
14 system user  NULL Connect 0 Waiting for an event from Coordinator NULL
15 system user  NULL Connect 0 Waiting for an event from Coordinator NULL
16 system user  NULL Connect 0 Waiting for an event from Coordinator NULL
# server: 2
Id User Host db Command Time State Info
10 msandbox localhost NULL Query 0 starting show processlist
11 system user  NULL Connect 0 Checking master version NULL
12 system user  NULL Connect 0 System lock NULL
13 system user  NULL Connect 0 Waiting for an event from Coordinator NULL
14 system user  NULL Connect 0 Waiting for an event from Coordinator NULL
15 system user  NULL Connect 0 Waiting for an event from Coordinator NULL

By studying the commands mentioned in these samples, you will become proficient in dbdeployer components, allowing you to use it for advanced testing operations.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

dbdeployer community: Part 3 - MySQL Cluster (NDB)

I remember wanting to create MySQL Cluster sandboxes several years ago. By then, however, MySQL-Sandbox technology was not flexible enough to allow an easy inclusion, and the cluster software itself was not as easy to install as it is today. Thus, I kept postponing the implementation, until I started working with dbdeployer.

I included the skeleton of support for MySQL Cluster since the beginning (by keeping a range of ports dedicated for this technology, but I didn’t do anything until June 2018, when I made public my intentions to add support for NDB in dbdeployer with issue #20 (Add support for MySQL Cluster)). The issue had just a bare idea, but I needed help from someone, as my expertise with NDB was limited, and outdated.

Help came in November, when Daniël van Eeden started giving me bits of information on how to put together a cluster sandbox. I still resisted forcing my hand at the implementation, because by then I had realised that my method of checking the database server version to know whether it supported a given feature was inadequate to support anything other than vanilla MySQL or fully complaint forks.

The game changer was the cooperation with TiDB that opened the way for supporting Percona XtraDB Cluster. Even though these technologies are way different from MySQL Cluster, they forced me to improve dbdeployer’s code, making it more flexible, easier to enhance.

When I finally decided to start working on NDB, it took me only a few days to implement it, because I had all the pieces ready for this technology to become part of dbdeployer.

Following Däniel’s instructions, I had a prototype working, which I submitted to #dbdeployer channel on MySQL community slack. In that channel, I got help again from Däniel van Eeden, and then Frédéric Descamps summoned two more experts (Ted Wennmark and Bernd Ocklin), who gave me feedback, advice, and some quick lessons on how the cluster should work, which allowed me to publish a release (dbdeployer 1.23.0) this past week-end.

The implementation has some peculiarities for both users of dbdeployer and MySQL Cluster. For the ones used to dbdeployer, the biggest change is that we are deploying two entities, of which the main one is an NDB cluster, with its own directories and processes, while the MySQL servers are just the visible part of the cluster, but are, in fact, only cluster clients. Still, the cluster works smoothly in dbdeployer paradigm: the cluster is deployed (like Group replication or PXC) as a replication topology, and as such we can run the standard replication test and expect to get the same result that we would see when checking another multi-source deployment.

For people used to NDB, though, seeing NDB as “replication” feels odd, because the cluster is seeing as a distinct entity, and replication is when we transfer data between two clusters. If we were developing a dedicated tool for NDB clusters, this is probably what we would have done, but since we want dbdeployer integration, we must play by the general rules of the tool, where “single” is a stand-alone server instance, and we can’t have dbdeployer deploy single --topology=ndb, because single instance don’t have a topology, which is a property of a group of entities. Therefore, the price to pay for dbdeployer support accepting to see a MySQL cluster deployment as replication.

Now that we have covered all the philosophical angle, it’s time to show an example. Unlike PXC, which is requires Linux, MySQL Cluster can also run on MacOS, which makes my testing much easier.

The first step to run a cluster in dbdeployer is to download a tarball from, and then expand it in our usual directory ($HOME/opt/mysql):

$ dbdeployer unpack --prefix=ndb --flavor=ndb \  
Unpacking tarball $HOME/Downloads/mysql-cluster-gpl-7.6.9-macos10.14-x86_64.tar.gz to $HOME/opt/mysql/ndb7.6.9  
Renaming directory $HOME/opt/mysql/mysql-cluster-gpl-7.6.9-macos10.14-x86_64 to $HOME/opt/mysql/ndb7.6.9

We can repeat the same operation for MySQL Cluster 8.0.14, and in the end we will two expanded tarballs named ndb7.6.9 and ndb8.0.14. With this we can install a few clusters in the same host:

$ dbdeployer deploy replication ndb7.6 --topology=ndb --concurrent  
# ndb7.6 => ndb7.6.9  
MySQL Cluster Management Server mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9  
2019-03-18 23:47:15 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:20900'  
2019-03-18 23:47:16 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 2  
2019-03-18 23:47:16 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:20900'  
2019-03-18 23:47:16 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 3  
executing 'start' on node 1  
................ sandbox server started  
executing 'start' on node 2  
.. sandbox server started  
executing 'start' on node 3  
.. sandbox server started  
NDB cluster directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/ndb_msb_ndb7_6_9  
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'

$ dbdeployer deploy replication ndb8.0 --topology=ndb --concurrent  
# ndb8.0 => ndb8.0.14  
MySQL Cluster Management Server mysql-8.0.14 ndb-8.0.14-dmr  
2019-03-18 23:45:53 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:21400'  
2019-03-18 23:45:53 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 2  
2019-03-18 23:45:53 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel connected to 'localhost:21400'  
2019-03-18 23:45:53 [ndbd] INFO     -- Angel allocated nodeid: 3  
executing 'start' on node 1  
........ sandbox server started  
executing 'start' on node 2  
... sandbox server started  
executing 'start' on node 3  
.. sandbox server started  
NDB cluster directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/ndb_msb_ndb8_0_14  
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'

If we look at the sandbox directories, we will see a few more subdirectories than we usually have with other topologies. For example:

 ndb_conf   # cluster configuration  
 ndbnode1   # management node (1)  
 ndbnode2   # data node (2)  
 ndbnode3   # data node (3)  
 node1      # MySQL node 1  
 node2      # MySQL node 2  
 node3      # MySQL node 3

The clusters are well framed into dbdeployer’s architecture, and they respond to standard commands like any other sandbox:

$ dbdeployer sandboxes --full-info  
|       name        | type |  version  |                    ports                     | flavor | nodes | locked |  
| ndb_msb_ndb7_6_9  | ndb  | ndb7.6.9  | [20900 27510 27511 27512 ]                   | ndb    |     3 |        |  
| ndb_msb_ndb8_0_14 | ndb  | ndb8.0.14 | [21400 28415 38415 28416 38416 28417 38417 ] | ndb    |     3 |        |  

$ dbdeployer global status  
# Running "status_all" on ndb_msb_ndb7_6_9  
MULTIPLE  /Users/gmax/sandboxes/ndb_msb_ndb7_6_9  
node1 : node1 on  -  port   27510 (27510)  
node2 : node2 on  -  port   27511 (27511)  
node3 : node3 on  -  port   27512 (27512)

# Running "status_all" on ndb_msb_ndb8_0_14  
MULTIPLE  /Users/gmax/sandboxes/ndb_msb_ndb8_0_14  
node1 : node1 on  -  port   28415 (28415)  
node2 : node2 on  -  port   28416 (28416)  
node3 : node3 on  -  port   28417 (28417)

$ dbdeployer global test-replication  
# Running "test_replication" on ndb_msb_ndb7_6_9  
# master 1  
# master 2  
# master 3  
# slave 1  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# slave 2  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# slave 3  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# pass: 3  
# fail: 0

# Running "test_replication" on ndb_msb_ndb8_0_14  
# master 1  
# master 2  
# master 3  
# slave 1  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# slave 2  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# slave 3  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# pass: 3  
# fail: 0

Like other topologies, also the NDB cluster has a script that shows the status of the nodes:

$ ~/sandboxes/ndb_msb_ndb7_6_9/check_nodes  
| node_id | node_type | node_hostname | uptime | status  | start_phase | config_generation |  
|       2 | NDB       | localhost     |     58 | STARTED |           0 |                 1 |  
|       3 | NDB       | localhost     |     58 | STARTED |           0 |                 1 |  
|       1 | MGM       | localhost     |   NULL | NULL    |        NULL |              NULL |  
|       4 | API       | localhost     |   NULL | NULL    |        NULL |              NULL |  
|       5 | API       | localhost     |   NULL | NULL    |        NULL |              NULL |  
|       6 | API       | localhost     |   NULL | NULL    |        NULL |              NULL |  
|       7 | API       | localhost     |   NULL | NULL    |        NULL |              NULL |  
Connected to Management Server at: localhost:20900  
Cluster Configuration  
[ndbd(NDB)] 2 node(s)  
id=2    @  (mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9, Nodegroup: 0, *)  
id=3    @  (mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9, Nodegroup: 0)

[ndb_mgmd(MGM)] 1 node(s)  
id=1    @  (mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9)

[mysqld(API)]   4 node(s)  
id=4    @  (mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9)  
id=5    @  (mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9)  
id=6    @  (mysql-5.7.25 ndb-7.6.9)  
id=7 (not connected, accepting connect from localhost)

It is possible that we will need more iterations to make the deployment more robust. When testing it, keep in mind that this deployment is only for testing, and it won’t probably have all the performance that you may find in a well deployed production cluster. Still, compared to other topologies, the replication tests performed faster than I expected.

Friday, March 08, 2019

dbdeployer community - Part 2: Percona XtraDB Cluster

This was not on the radar. I have never been proficient in Galera clusters and related technologies, and thus I hadn’t given much thought to Percona Xtradb Cluster (PXC), until Alkin approached me at FOSDEM, and proposed to extend dbdeployer features to support PXC. He mentioned that many support engineers at Percona use dbdeployer) on a daily basis and that the addition of PXC would be welcome.

I could not follow up much during the conference, but we agreed on making a proof-of-concept in an indirect way: if several nodes of PXC can run in the same host using shell scripts, dbdeployer could reproduce that behavior.

A few weeks later, when dbdeployer had already been enhanced with flavors and capabilities, I got the script that can deploy several nodes in the same host. It’s a simplification of the ones used in Percona PXC tests, which got me started.

I followed a method similar to the one I used for MySQL Group replication. The technology is similar, although the MySQL Team used a different approach for the installation. The basic principle is that the cluster needs two ports per node: in addition to the regular MySQL port, there is a communication port (SST or Snapshot State Transfer port) that is needed to exchange cluster data. Using this information, and following the sample in the script, I could produce a prototype that surprisingly worked at the first try!

The cluster did deploy, and the replication test, which comes free of charge when you implement a replication-type sandbox using standard templates, worked flawlessly.

Then I hooked the deployment method into dbdeployer concurrency engine, which is able to deploy several nodes at once. Here I hit the first problem. In PXC, the nodes are not equal at startup. The first node needs to be initialised without other nodes addresses, and it becomes the reference for other nodes to join the cluster. If I provided complete references for all nodes (as I do for MySQL Group Replication,) it didn’t work.

After some talk with Percona engineers on Slack, I figured out that the nodes can be deployed together, and the second and third node will just wait for the first one to come online and then join. That worked in principle, or when I deployed sequentially, but not when they are deployed all at once. Fortunately, dbdeployer has several ways of enabling debugging output, and after a few unsuccessful attempts I got the reason: PXC initialisation happens using rsync on port 4444. When the nodes are started sequentially, the receiving node takes control of port 4444 without conflicts, gets the job done and releases the port. When we deploy all nodes at once, there is a race for the possession of the synchronisation port, and a random node will win it, leaving the others waiting forever.

Thus, I modified the installation to allocate a different rsync port for each node, and after that the concurrent installation worked as well.

The last obstacle was the discovery that there is yet another port (IST, or Incremental State Transfer port), which is always one number bigger than the SST port. Thus, if the SST port is, say, 5555, the IST port is set to 5556. This means that, unlike other dbdeployer clusters, I can’t set port numbers incrementally, but I need to set them with an interval. I did that, and the cluster came with a default allocation of four ports per node (MySQL, rsync, SST, IST). If we also enable MySQLX, which comes includes as PXC binaries are based on MySQL 5.7, we would set 5 ports per node, and a majestic 15 ports for a three-node cluster.

Anyway, the support for Percona XtraDB Cluster is available in dbdeployer 1.21.0. Let’s see a sample session to use the new functionality.

$ $ dbdeployer --version
dbdeployer version 1.21.0

$ dbdeployer unpack --prefix=pxc ~/downloads/Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-5.7.25-rel28-31.35.1.Linux.x86_64.ssl100.tar.gz  
Renaming directory $HOME/opt/mysql/Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-5.7.25-rel28-31.35.1.Linux.x86_64.ssl100 to $HOME/opt/mysql/pxc5.7.25

Before trying the cluster, it would be a good practice to make sure that your system can deploy a single node.

$ dbdeployer deploy single pxc5.7.25  
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_pxc5_7_25  
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'  
. sandbox server started

$ $HOME/sandboxes/msb_pxc5_7_25/test_sb  
# Tests :    11  
# PASS  :    11  
# fail  :     0

$ dbdeployer delete msb_pxc5_7_25  

And now for the real test:

$ dbdeployer deploy replication --topology=pxc pxc5.7.25  
Installing and starting node 1  
. sandbox server started  
Installing and starting node 2  
...... sandbox server started  
Installing and starting node 3  
..... sandbox server started  
Replication directory installed in $HOME/sandboxes/pxc_msb_pxc5_7_25  
run 'dbdeployer usage multiple' for basic instructions'

We should now see all the allocated ports.

$ dbdeployer sandboxes --header  
            name                       type             version                                      ports  
---------------------------- ------------------------ ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------  
 pxc_msb_pxc5_7_25        :   Percona-Xtradb-Cluster   pxc5.7.25   [26226 26352 26353 26364 26227 26354 26355 26365 26228 26356 26357 26366 ]

If we want more detail, we can look at the sandbox description file:

$ cat $HOME/sandboxes/pxc_msb_pxc5_7_25/sbdescription.json  
    "basedir": "$HOME/opt/mysql/pxc5.7.25",  
    "type": "Percona-Xtradb-Cluster",  
    "version": "pxc5.7.25",  
    "flavor": "pxc",  
    "port": [  
    "nodes": 3,  
    "node_num": 0,  
    "dbdeployer-version": "1.21.0",  
    "timestamp": "Thu Mar  7 17:20:03 CET 2019",  
    "command-line": "dbdeployer deploy replication --topology=pxc pxc5.7.25"  

Now we can run the replication test. Given that we have a cluster where all nodes are masters, the test will create a table in each node, and read the result in each slave (again, each node):

$ $HOME/sandboxes/pxc_msb_pxc5_7_25/test_replication  
# master 1  
# master 2  
# master 3  
# slave 1  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# slave 2  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# slave 3  
ok - '3' == '3' - Slaves received tables from all masters  
# pass: 3  
# fail: 0

It’s a simple test, but it tells us that the cluster is fully functional.

Thanks to Alkin and other Percona engineers who have tested the prototype in real time.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

dbdeployer community - Part 1: TiDB

After a conference, when I take stock of what I have learned, I usually realise that the best achievements are the result of interacting with other attendees during the breaks, rather than simply listening to the lectures. It might be because I follow closely the blogosphere and thus the lectures have few surprises in store for me, or perhaps because many geeks take the conference as an excuse to refresh dormant friendships, catch up with technical gossip, and ask their friends some questions that were too sensitive to be discussed over Twitter and have been waiting for a chance of an in-person meeting to see the light of the day.

I surely had some of such questions, and I took advantage of the conference to ask them. As it often happens, I got satisfactory responses, but the latest FOSDEM conference was different than usual, because I got the best experience from the questions that others did ask me.

As it turned out, others were waiting for a chance to discuss things over coffee or food, and I saw that my pet project (dbdeployer) is a lot more popular than I thought, and it is being used silently in several environments. It should not be surprising if you read several MySQL reports on bugs at where it is common the usage of sandboxes to reproduce user issues. Anyway, I got some praise, some requests, a few ideas for improvements, advance notice of an incoming graphical interface, and a few concrete collaboration proposals.

One of such proposals came from Morgan Tocker, who suggested enhancing dbdeployer to support TiDB. At first, it seemed uninteresting, as TiDB is designed to be distributed, and installing just a component didn’t immediately look useful. However, Morgan pointed out that it could be used as a tool to test compatibility with existing applications, and as such it could gain much more value than I initially thought. We decided to try a quick hackathon to make a proof of concept.

It was a great pleasure to figure out, in just over one hour of close interaction, that dbdeployer design for flexibility was up to the task. We managed to make TiDB work with dbdeployer simply by exporting, editing, and re-loading a few templates.

The exercise showed strengths and limitations in both projects. We agreed that dbdeployer had to lose some assumptions (such as “I am working with a MySQL server”) and become able to recognise which flavor of MySQL-lookalike we are dealing with. At the same time, we noted that TiDB is not compatible when it comes to deployment and bootstrap: it is so simple and straightforward that its initialisation doesn’t fit in the complex operation that is a MySQL server warm-up.

Pleased with the initial success, we kept in touch and, after dbdeployer acquired the ability of telling one flavor from another, we put together the various pieces to make dbdeployer recognise and install TiDB. We found and fixed several bugs in both project, and finally released dbdeployer 1.19.0, which can use a TiDB server transparently.

What does transparently mean? It means that tests for TiDB deployment can run alongside tests for other MySQL servers, and the sandbox scripts (such as start, stop, use, status, and test_sb) work as expected and produce a compatible output. Thus, there is a TiDB test running together with another dozen MySQL versions.

Now, if you want, you can evaluate TiDB in your computer without installing the full stack. It won’t be as fast as the real thing: what is installed as a single node is a slower emulation of the real database, but it is enough to give you an idea of what queries you can and cannot run in TiDB, and perhaps try to see if your application could run on TiDB at all.

The collaboration with TiDB was especially useful because the changes needed to smooth the TiDB integration have made made dbdeployer better suited to add support for more not-quite-mysql servers, such as the one that we’ll see in the next post.

But before reaching that point, here’s an example of TiDB deployment on Linux:

$ wget  
2019-02-24 04:46:26 (2.26 MB/s) - 'tidb-master-linux-amd64.tar.gz' saved [16304317/16304317]

$ dbdeployer unpack tidb-master-linux-amd64.tar.gz --unpack-version=3.0.0 --prefix=tidb  
Unpacking tarball tidb-master-linux-amd64.tar.gz to $HOME/opt/mysql/tidb3.0.0  
Renaming directory /home/msandbox/opt/mysql/tidb-master-linux-amd64 to /home/msandbox/opt/mysql/tidb3.0.0

TiDB tarballs doesn't come with a client. We need to use one from MYSQL 5.7. Rather than downloading the huge tarball from MySQL site, we can get a smaller one from a GitHub repository, using dbdeployer itself (NB: this reduced tarball is only for Linux)

$ dbdeployer remote list  
Files available in  
5.7 -> [mysql-5.7.24 mysql-5.7.25]  
8.0 -> [mysql-8.0.13 mysql-8.0.15]  
4.1 -> [mysql-4.1.22]  
5.0 -> [mysql-5.0.15 mysql-5.0.96]  
5.1 -> [mysql-5.1.72]  
5.5 -> [mysql-5.5.61 mysql-5.5.62]  
5.6 -> [mysql-5.6.41 mysql-5.6.43]

$ dbdeployer remote get mysql-5.7.25  
File /home/msandbox/mysql-5.7.25.tar.xz downloaded

$ dbdeployer unpack mysql-5.7.25.tar.xz  
Renaming directory /home/msandbox/opt/mysql/mysql-5.7.25 to /home/msandbox/opt/mysql/5.7.25

Now we are ready to install TiDB:

$ dbdeployer deploy single tidb3.0.0 --client-from=5.7.25  
Creating directory /home/msandbox/sandboxes  
Database installed in $HOME/sandboxes/msb_tidb3_0_0  
run 'dbdeployer usage single' for basic instructions'  
. sandbox server started

Once installed, a TiDB sandbox behaves like a MySQL sandbox.

$ $HOME/sandboxes/msb_tidb3_0_0/use  
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.  
Your MySQL connection id is 2  
Server version: 5.7.10-TiDB-v3.0.0-beta-111-g266ff4b6f MySQL Community Server (Apache License 2.0)

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mysql [localhost:3000] {msandbox} ((none)) >