Friday, August 30, 2013

Shi...pment happens - Tungsten Replicator 2.1.2

It was just a few days ago that we announced, with celebratory enthusiasm, Tungsten Replicator 2.1.1, and today we are at it again, with Tungsten Replicator 2.1.2.

What happened? In a surfeit of overconfidence, we released Tungsten 2.1.1, with faith on the test suite and its result. The faith was justified, as the test suite was able to catch any known problem and regression. The overconfidence was unjustified, because, due to a series of unfortunate events, some sections of the test suite were accidentally disabled, and the regression that was lurking in the dark was not caught.

Therefore, instead of having a quiet post-release week-end, the whole team has worked round the clock to plug the holes. There were two bugs that actually broke the tests (when we put the suite in good order, that is):

We came out of the exercise with the embarrassing bugs fixed, a few more found in the process, and a much improved test suite, which now checks itself to make sure that nothing is missing, and everything that should be tested was actually tested. While the bugs were fixed over the week-end, we spent three more days just testing the release with all the firepower we could muster.

The test suite has grown quite a while during the past years. The first version of the suite, 2+ years ago, ran in about 15 minutes. We have been adding steadily to the tests, and now the full set of tests (when none of it gets accidentally switched off, that is) requires about 12 hours. Now we feel much better about the release. All I wrote about Tungsten Replicator 2.1.1 is also good for Tungsten 2.1.2, so I encourage all to give it a try.

As a further lesson learned, from now on we’re going to publish a release candidate a few weeks before blessing a build as GA. The labels in the downloads page tell which stage of readiness each build is.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Tungsten-Replicator 2.1.1 with better installation and built-in security

UPDATE 2013-08-30: Tungsten 2.1.2 was released.

UPDATE 2013-08-23: We have found a few problems that happen when replicating with RBR and temporal columns. We will have to publish an updated bugfix release quite soon.

Tungsten Replicator 2.1.1 is out. Key features in this release are:

  • A better installer, of which we have already given a preview in tpm, the multi-master composer. The new installer allows faster and more powerful deployments of both single and multiple masters topologies. And it also allows the next feature:
  • Secured communication layer. Now the replicator data and administrative messages can be encrypted with SSL across nodes. The security layer, once installed, is transparent. All replication features will keep working as before, and the encryption is independent from the database. In fact, heterogeneous replication (e.g. MySQL to MongoDB, Oracle to MySQL, etc) can use it just as easily as MySQL to MySQL replication.
  • Full support for MySQL 5.6 binary log improvements. Now you can have the best of two worlds, running MySQL 5.6 enhanced performance, and Tungsten advanced replication features, without compromises. Due to this improvement, we also have the first change in our transport layer (the Transaction History Logs, or THL) since we released parallel replication. This means that a full cluster upgrade is needed (first slaves, and then masters) if you want to use the new release.

For more information on Tungsten Replicator 2.1.1, see the Release notes.

What does this mean for the common user? Let’s see what you can experience, when installing Tungsten Replicator 2.1.1

$ tar -xzf tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230.tar.gz
$ cd tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230
$ export VERBOSE=1
$ ./cookbook/install_master_slave
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Installation with deprecated method will resume in 30 seconds - Hit CTRL+C now to abort
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## WARNING: INSTALLATION WITH tungsten-installer and configure-service IS DEPRECATED
## Future versions of Tungsten Cookbook will only support tpm-based installations
## To install with tpm, please set the variable 'USE_TPM' and start again
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Installation with tungsten-installer, which has been used until now, is still available, but it is deprecated. We want to encourage everyone to use tpm, as we will stop supporting tungsten-installer from the next release (2.1.2).

The main reason for using tpm instead of tungsten-installer, is that you can now install with security. The Tungsten manual has an extensive section on how to create security certificates. If you are not used to this kind of tasks, you may get discouraged from the very beginning, as you will need to create two key stores, one encrypted password store, and one file with JMX access rules. Tungsten Cookbook to the rescue! It will be enough to state our intention to install using tpm, with security enabled, and the cookbook script will generate the needed files for you.

$ export USE_TPM=1
$ export WITH_SECURITY=1
$ ./cookbook/install_master_slave
Certificate stored in file </home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/client.cer>
Certificate was added to keystore
[Storing /home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/truststore.ts]
Using parameters:
password_file.location   = /home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/
encrypted.password   = true
truststore.location      = /home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/truststore.ts
truststore.password      = cookbookpass
Creating non existing file: /home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/
User created successfuly: cookbook
Using parameters:
password_file.location   = /home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/
encrypted.password   = true
truststore.location      = /home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/truststore.ts
truststore.password      = cookbookpass
User created successfuly: cookbook
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Options for tpm
--thl-ssl=true \
--rmi-ssl=true \
--rmi-authentication=true \
--rmi-user=cookbook \
--java-keystore-password=cookbookpass \
--java-truststore-password=cookbookpass \
--java-truststore-path=/home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/truststore.ts \
--java-keystore-path=/home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/keystore.jks \
--java-jmxremote-access-path=/home/tungsten/tinstall/tungsten-replicator-2.1.1-230/cookbook/jmxremote.access \
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Next, you will see the complete installation command using tpm, and the cluster will be built as smoothly as it would be without the security additions.

Notice that the paths that you see on the screen are created dynamically. Once installed, the security files will be deployed in a standard location, which will be easily picked up when you need to upgrade.

The difference that you will notice about the secure deployment is only in a few small differences. When using the cookbook tools, you will see a ssl label next to each secured node:

$ ./cookbook/show_cluster
Topology: 'MASTER_SLAVE'
# node host1 (ssl)
cookbook  [master]  seqno:          0  - latency:   0.681 - ONLINE
# node host2 (ssl)
cookbook  [slave]   seqno:          0  - latency:   1.397 - ONLINE
# node host3 (ssl)
cookbook  [slave]   seqno:          0  - latency:   1.683 - ONLINE
# node host4 (ssl)
cookbook  [slave]   seqno:          0  - latency:   1.684 - ONLINE

When using the traditional tools, you will notice one tiny difference in the master URI:

Processing status command...
NAME                     VALUE
----                     -----
appliedLastEventId     : mysql-bin.000008:0000000000000427;0
appliedLastSeqno       : 0
appliedLatency         : 0.681
channels               : 1
clusterName            : cookbook
currentEventId         : mysql-bin.000008:0000000000000427
currentTimeMillis      : 1377091602039
dataServerHost         : host1
extensions             :
latestEpochNumber      : 0
masterConnectUri       : thls://localhost:/    
masterListenUri        : thls://host1:2112/    
maximumStoredSeqNo     : 0
minimumStoredSeqNo     : 0
offlineRequests        : NONE
pendingError           : NONE
pendingErrorCode       : NONE
pendingErrorEventId    : NONE
pendingErrorSeqno      : -1
pendingExceptionMessage: NONE
pipelineSource         : /var/lib/mysql
relativeLatency        : 656.039
resourcePrecedence     : 99
rmiPort                : 10000
role                   : master
seqnoType              : java.lang.Long
serviceName            : cookbook
serviceType            : local
simpleServiceName      : cookbook
siteName               : default
sourceId               : host1
state                  : ONLINE
timeInStateSeconds     : 655.552
transitioningTo        :
uptimeSeconds          : 656.431
version                : Tungsten Replicator 2.1.1 build 230
Finished status command...

Instead of thl:// you see thls://. That’s the indication that the replicators are communicating using a SSL channel.

The same procedure works for multi-master and heterogeneous topologies. In fact, the very same mechanism is used in our commercial product, Continuent Tungsten, where it is installed using the same tools and the same tpm options.

For existing deployments we have a manual page dedicated to Upgrading from tungsten-installer to tpm-based installation. If you are a cookbook user, try


There is a live webinar covering many Tungsten-Replicator 2.1.1 features. It is free, on Thursday, August 22nd, at 10am PT.


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Calculating timezone offsets

Time zones are a tricky feature. You live in a given time zone, and most of the time you won’t think about that at all. You may live in a place where you are conscious of time zones, such as the United States, if your business spans across the country, where you know that New York is three hours ahead of San Francisco or Chicago and Dallas share the same time zone. Time Zone support in MySQL is a complicate business in itself. Once you have updated your time zone tables, you can set your time zone in an human readable format:

set global time_zone="America/Los_Angeles";

This is nice and well. It tells you which time zone your server is working with. However, things get a bit hairy when you need to do practical things with this information. Suppose you are looking at a server that displays unfamiliar time zones:

mysql> select @@system_time_zone, @@time_zone;
| @@system_time_zone | @@time_zone     |
| GST                | Asia/Singapore  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

When you run select now() in this environment, you get the time in “Asia/Singapore” time zone, although the operating system is running in Dubai time zone.

mysql> select now();
| now()               |
| 2013-08-14 12:00:18 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

A look at your watch can tell you what’s the difference. But if you need to put that information into a calculation, then you need a way of converting that string “Asia/Singapore” into a number:

mysql> select timediff( now(), utc_timestamp());
| timediff( now(), utc_timestamp()) |
| 08:00:00                          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This is the time zone offset in this server, as referred to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or UTC. It means that Singapore is 8 hours ahead of GMT. You could get the same result by asking

mysql> select timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), @@time_zone, 'UTC'));
| timediff( now(), utc_timestamp()) |
| 08:00:00                          |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

OK. This is longer, but it has the ability of becoming a general purpose time zone offset calculator:

mysql> select timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), 'America/Los_Angeles', 'UTC'));
| timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), 'America/Los_Angeles', 'UTC')) |
| -07:00:00                                                         |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), 'America/Los_Angeles', 'Europe/Rome'));
| timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), 'America/Los_Angeles', 'Europe/Rome')) |
| -09:00:00                                                                 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> select timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), 'America/Los_Angeles', 'Asia/Singapore'));
| timediff( now(), convert_tz(now(), 'America/Los_Angeles', 'Asia/Singapore')) |
| -15:00:00                                                                    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)